Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Matt & Matt talk Wrestling

Today 174lber Matt Fullowan and the ever so colorful Coach Greenberg went on the air with Steve Peed to talk about the importance of summer training, the difference between high school and college wrestling, and of course, the build up to the 11/6 Pentagon Duals.  Listen to the interview here.

Today we finished our last morning workout for a good while.  It was a perfect time to walk away from these early am jaunts because of how the guys finished up.  Not more than a month ago these same wrestlers couldn't make it 2x around an indoor track (1/8 mile) without throwing up, cramping, or just not being tough.  Every Tuesday & Thursday we would meet at 7am and put them through another track workout and every time they would make it a bit longer before they hit the wall.  Today we were outside on a normal track (1/4 mile) and we made them run more than they had in the past and wouldn't ya know it, nobody threw up, nobody got cramps, and if you looked hard enough you might have even seen some competition in them.  They were jockeying for the win which in turn pushes the others around them to work harder.  It was a great sight to start your day to as a coach and as I prepare for practice this afternoon I am excited to see them push each other even more and continue to improve their skills.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, Matt, keep on keepin' on! Your gonna make a Diplomat Fan outta me yet!
    -"Red Blades"
